Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.

Relief map of Europe and surrounding regions
Image via Wikipedia

I think you should all know this by now – travelled.  I wish that hubby and I had the courage to just pick up and backpack all across Europe.  But, he had just come back from travelling and had broken up with his girlfriend, and I had just come back from Israel and a broken engagement and we didn’t want to risk going right back into that again (i.e. travelling with a partner), we wanted to build our relationship first.  It was the right decision, I know this, but the thought of us backpacking through Europe is just to thrilling and exciting to not dream about.

The Baby Mama

2 thoughts on “Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.

  1. Cool! A very exciting dream to have. It’s never too late. My Grandparents went touring Australia when they were in their late seventies.
    – Rory (Wilson) 🙂


    1. Yeah, I can’t wait. I know it is a dream that God will fulfill for us – and I can’t wait. To set a foot on each continent with my hubby and Baby Girl, I can’t think of anything in the world I’d rather do more…:-)


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